NSFA Alabama Charter Schools
Parent Voice Network (Parent Voice)
“Absolutely For Our Kids”
NSFA’s Alabama Charter Schools Parent Voice Network (Parent Voice) is an advocacy group of parents and guardians whose children attend Alabama public charter schools.
By working together, Parent Voice members can help shape the future of their children’s charter schools and that of the Alabama Charter school sector.
Parent Voice parents will not only benefit from building relationships with other charter parents throughout the state, but will also receive support through programs, resources, and services that will help them advocate for the education their students deserve.
To learn more about Parent Voice or to get involved, please contact candie@newschoolsforalabama.org.
Alabama public charter school parents can also join the Parent Voice Facebook group for continued information and resources, and to connect with other charter school parents:
Relationship Building
We are here to help you advocate for your child's needs and interests, find support and information and connect with other parents who understand the challenges that families face today.
Resources and Programming
Let's build your parent network together. We've got you covered from start to finish with the resources, support, and services you need to succeed.
Advocacy and Legislative
We're here to support you. Not only will we push back against legislation that sidelines parents' voices, but we'll also help you hone your advocacy skills and equip you with the tools you need to make the most of these opportunities.
Training and Awareness
Knowing your child’s rights and options will help you advocate for their best interests.

The more you know as parents, the more you can stay involved and be a support for your children’s teachers and schools, but also on state levels to help ensure your children receive the education they should have as students in Alabama schools.